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Rethinking Organizations, Work and Purpose in Society

Rethinking Organizations, Work and Purpose in Society 4.0


July 28, 2024


In this era of Society 4.0, many people are suffering, as indicated by the alarming rise in mental health issues globally. According to the World Health Organization, the prevalence of anxiety and depression increased by 25% in the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic (World Health Organization, 2022). This mental health crisis highlights a fundamental problem in our society: the reduction of value to monetary terms.

Two particularly vulnerable groups are young people and seniors. Young people instinctively feel that pursuing money alone is not the purpose of life. They search for meaning, striving to lead lives that contribute to the greater good. This generation desires to make a difference, to help others, and to take care of the planet. They seek meaningful work that connects them to a purpose larger than themselves.

For seniors, the challenge is often the loss of a sense of purpose and belonging as they retire from traditional work roles. This can lead to isolation and depression, further exacerbating mental health issues.

Work remains a crucial aspect of life as it provides a sense of belonging and contributes to one’s identity. However, the challenge for organizations is creating roles where employees feel they serve a greater purpose. The mundane and less meaningful tasks can increasingly be delegated to artificial intelligence and automation, allowing humans to focus on more fulfilling and impactful work.

Organizations need to rethink their approach to work and purpose. This involves creating environments where employees feel valued, connected, and engaged in meaningful activities. It means recognizing the intrinsic value of work beyond just economic measures and fostering a culture of contribution and care.

As we navigate Society 4.0, it is imperative to address the mental health crisis by realigning our values and recognizing the importance of purpose in work. By doing so, we can create a more fulfilling and sustainable society where both young people and seniors can thrive.

Miguel Goede

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