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Currently Miguel is leading the University of Governance and Goede Consultants.
2016 - 2017 CEO VPCO schoolboard.

In December 2014 Dr. Goede started the "End Year Conference" and the Award 3.0
Dr. Miguel Goede is a scientist, strategist and a management consultant. His area of research is Good Governance for Sustainable Development of Globalizing Small Island Developing States (SIDS) in the Caribbean.
In November 2014 he was the keynote speaker for Step into Leadership in Suriname.

From 2010 till 2011 Dr. Miguel Goede was Rector Magnificus of the University of the Netherlands Antilles, now the University of Curacao. From 2009 till 2010 he was the Dean of the Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences. From 2005 till 2006 he was the Dean of the School of Business. He was a board member of Caribbean Research and Management of Biodiversity Institute (Carmabi) for four years till 2010.
He studied Public Administration and Political Science from 1981 till 1987 in Nijmegen, The Netherlands. He worked as policy adviser to the island government of Curacao from 1987 till 1993. In 1993 he joined Arthur Andersen till 2001, and became responsible for the Dutch Caribbean consultancy market . In 2001 he left the firm to start his own consultancy company: Goede Consultants. In 2005 he obtained his Ph.D. in Public Administration at the University of Brabant, the Netherlands.
In 1997 he started the project "2020: Creating the Caribbean Future", creating a vision for Cura?ao. A project that is still alive today. In 1998 he was the architect of the national visioning project of Curacao , called Vishon Korsou. Part of these projects is the Wendel Girigori Change Award to recognize those who contributed to the realization of the 2020 vision.
In the 1990s he was project leader of "Reinventing Government of the Netherlands Antilles" and "Reinventing Government Curacao ".
In 2004 he started the "Curacao leadership Forum" to develop ethical leadership.
In 2005 he was the Chairmen of the Referendum Committee of Curacao for the referendum to decide the constitutional future of the island.
In 26th October 2008 he was invited to evaluate the functioning of the UNESCO Netherlands Antilles by the Minister of Education, Culture and Sports, on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the associate membership of the Netherlands Antilles of UNESCO. The conclusion was that the Netherlands Antilles were very successful in the areas of Education and Culture. He recommended that the Netherlands Antilles should embrace its SIDS status and focus more on Science. In October 2009 he joined the delegation of the Netherlands Antilles participating at the 35th General Assembly of UNESCO where the new strategy was successfully implemented.
In 2009 he was invited by the Ministers of Justice of the Netherlands Antilles and the Netherlands to design the organizations of the Attorney General of the future countries Curacao, St. Maarten.
He is currently involved in the ICT Platform of Curacao, updating the government policy to facilitate the knowledge and creative society of Curacao: ICT Master Plan. This is a project of the Minister of Telecommunications of the Netherlands. Antilles.
He is also involved in the final assessment of the new to be born countries Curacao and St. Maarten (2010).
He created the university professorial chair:
He co-created several other university professorial chairs:Good Governance (UNA, 2005)
Sustainable Technology (UNA, 2007)
Sociology (UNA, 2009)
Creative Society (UNA, 2009)
He studied Public Administration and Political Science from 1981 till 1987 in Nijmegen, The Netherlands. He worked as policy adviser to the island government of Curacao from 1987 till 1993. In 1993 he joined Arthur Andersen till 2001, and became responsible for the Dutch Caribbean consultancy market . In 2001 he left the firm to start his own consultancy company: Goede Consultants. In 2005 he obtained his Ph.D. in Public Administration at the University of Brabant, the Netherlands.
In 1997 he started the project "2020: Creating the Caribbean Future", creating a vision for Cura?ao. A project that is still alive today. In 1998 he was the architect of the national visioning project of Curacao , called Vishon Korsou. Part of these projects is the Wendel Girigori Change Award to recognize those who contributed to the realization of the 2020 vision.
In the 1990s he was project leader of "Reinventing Government of the Netherlands Antilles" and "Reinventing Government Curacao ".
In 2004 he started the "Curacao leadership Forum" to develop ethical leadership.
In 2005 he was the Chairmen of the Referendum Committee of Curacao for the referendum to decide the constitutional future of the island.
In 26th October 2008 he was invited to evaluate the functioning of the UNESCO Netherlands Antilles by the Minister of Education, Culture and Sports, on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the associate membership of the Netherlands Antilles of UNESCO. The conclusion was that the Netherlands Antilles were very successful in the areas of Education and Culture. He recommended that the Netherlands Antilles should embrace its SIDS status and focus more on Science. In October 2009 he joined the delegation of the Netherlands Antilles participating at the 35th General Assembly of UNESCO where the new strategy was successfully implemented.
In 2009 he was invited by the Ministers of Justice of the Netherlands Antilles and the Netherlands to design the organizations of the Attorney General of the future countries Curacao, St. Maarten.
He is currently involved in the ICT Platform of Curacao, updating the government policy to facilitate the knowledge and creative society of Curacao: ICT Master Plan. This is a project of the Minister of Telecommunications of the Netherlands. Antilles.
He is also involved in the final assessment of the new to be born countries Curacao and St. Maarten (2010).
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