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Dissent and Democracy: Beyond the Gym

Dissent and Democracy: Beyond the Gym


February 10, 2024


As I sit here, not emerging from the confines of a gym but rather grappling with the task of finding a subject to write about today, I find myself circling back to the article by Michel Maas in Vrij Nederland titled "Jongens in de sportschool" (Gym Boys). These boys seem to regard their bodies as works of art, reflecting a characteristic of our time (Maas, 2024). It touches upon themes of narcissism, social media, existential meaning, or the lack thereof. I also draw connections to tattoos, piercings, and plastic surgery. It appears that humanity is increasingly dissatisfied with the appearance of their bodies.

Now, it becomes a question of conscience: Am I not guilty of this myself? The easiest route would be not to deny it or resist; to some extent, that's true. However, my training is less about appearance and more about performance. As we age, there is a natural decline in various aspects of our physicality, including muscle strength. Training serves as a form of prevention against this decline. In a world that is still predominantly individualistic and aging, it is crucial to maintain strength because we often find ourselves relying on our own capabilities.

The gym culture portrayed in Maas's article may emphasize aesthetics, but sometimes, a deeper narrative of self-preservation and resilience is beneath the surface. It's not always merely about sculpting the perfect physique for vanity; it's about equipping ourselves with the physical capacity to navigate life's challenges as we grow older. In a society where autonomy is prized, and support networks may dwindle with age, maintaining physical strength becomes an act of self-reliance and empowerment.

As we reflect on the intersection of dissent and democracy in the context of physical fitness, let us not forget the broader implications for society. Embracing diversity in our pursuits of strength and resilience can enrich our collective understanding of what it means to thrive in an ever-changing world. So, while I may not emerge from the gym with bulging muscles, I emerge with a renewed commitment to dissent and democracy, both within and beyond the confines of the weight room.



Maas, M. (2024). De jongens in de sportschool; 'Ik beschouw mijn eigen lichaam als een kunstwerk'. Vrij Nederland, pp. 114-123.



Miguel Goede

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