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The Story 3.0 and Storytelling


On 31 December the new Prime-Minister gave his first speech.  He spoke of the challanges and difficult times ahead.  That it was time to reunite and to work together to solve the big probems on the island, espacially the government budget problems. A good speech, but the story could have been told.

At its core, storytelling is the art of using language, vocalization, and/or physical movement and gesture to reveal the elements and images of a story to a specific, live audience. A central, unique aspect of storytelling is its reliance on the audience to develop specific visual imagery and detail to complete and co-create the story.

Storytelling is, by design, a co-creative process. Storytelling audiences do not passively receive a story from the teller, as a viewer receives and records the content of a television program or motion picture. The teller provides no visual images, no stage set, and generally, no costumes related to story characters or historic period. Listeners create these images based on the performer's telling and on their own experiences and beliefs.

Storytelling is, by its nature, personal, interpretive, and uniquely human. Storytelling passes on the essence of who we are. Stories are a prime vehicle for assessing and interpreting events, experiences, and concepts from minor moments of daily life to the grand nature of the human condition. It is an intrinsic and basic form of human communication. More than any other form of communication, the telling of stories in an integral and essential part of the human experience.

Storytelling is a process, a medium for sharing, interpreting, offering the content and meaning of a story to an audience. Because storytelling is spontaneous and experiential, and thus a dynamic interaction between teller and listener, it is far more difficult to describe than is the script and camera directions of a movie, or the lines and stage direction notes of a play. Storytelling emerges from the interaction and cooperative, coordinated efforts of teller and audience. (

The story of Curaçao 3.0. I am the storyteller of Curaçao 3.0. I am telling about 2.0. Why we will have to leave this phase. How we are going to this. Where we are going: 3.0.

Storytelling is important because in stories we explain what is happening and how this will end.  We are on a journey.  We are exploring new frontiers.  Yes, we come from a feudal slave society.  We went through the industrial age. And now we are creating our information society.  We are creating and telling our own new story. It is enough with the old story about slavery.  We have liberated our self trough education and ICT technology.  And this is only the beginning. We are focused on the horizon and the new frontiers. We are innovative and creative. The talent and potential is present. Bright young people are getting ready by studying at the best universities in the world. We are already building datacenters and Space Port. A new state of the art hospital. This island has always been innovative look at the bridges and our desalination of water process. We are a front runner in promoting integrity. (To be continued).

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