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The Best Practices of Barbados and Anguilla


Barbados scores very well on several rankings. Curacao looks at Barbados with regards to the national strategic plan. But Curacao could also look at their policies regarding green energy. Anguilla is another good example.

Some Small Island Developing States (SIDS) are also turning to solar power to reduce their costs and increase their sustainability. Anguilla, for example, aims to obtain 15% of its energy from solar power so it is less reliant on expensive imported diesel. The Climate & Development Knowledge Network is helping the government gather all the information it needs to change the island’s legislation, so it can integrate renewables into its grid. Barbados, have also made good progress in switching to renewables, but many other SIDS are still at the early stages of planning how to integrate renewable energy into their grids. “For a small island we’re very far ahead,” said Beth Barry, Coordinator of the Anguilla Renewable Energy Office. "We’ve got an Energy Policy and a draft Climate Change policy and have been focussing efforts on the question of sustainable energy supply for several years now. As a result we have a lot of information we can share with other islands.” (, Accessed on 20 February 2012)

But Curacao as his own merits. Curacao has two windmill farms and solar panel for household have been introduced. But Curacao lacks the vision, drive and leadership Aruba is showing.

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