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Hope for Corporate Governance in Curacao

The current Good (Corporate) Governance crisis in Curaçao, may become a blessing.  Why?  Because it will show once and for all that governance is a serious business and must be left to good people.  Good people are kwowledgeable and ethical professionals.  The best person I ever knew was my grandmother, but a would not put her on the board.  Because she did not had any training on that matter. The current crisis is caused by bad people: people with no ethics and no proper training. To improve governance is the future, current and future members of the supervisory board must  be continiously trained.

So the next practical move in governance of Curaçao is to start appointing good people.  The selection should not be based on their political aviliation but on their competences.

Some state that the law must be fully applied in the recent cases of bad governance.  I am affraid that they are right.  Because some people will never learn unless they are punished.  Let us hope that we all learn a valuable leason from this current crisis.

If you need a coach Corporate Governance issues, you can always call me.

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