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Tur hende ta klets over di Enseñansa

Tur hende ta klets over di Enseñansa. Tantin un drop-out por bira minister president. Un hende sin perprashon minister di finansas. Un maatschappelijkwerker ta pretende di sa tur kos. Un stedenbouwkundige ta minister di rekurso humano. Un HRMer ta minister di infrastuktura. Tur e kos aki ta nifika ku bo skol ta bal nada. Skol gratis i pornada. Tantin ken ku ta, bira kiko ku ta, e luga ta bira kon ku ta. Mi konose hende ku ta sinta riba terasa na De Dames, Mensing's, Mc Café, ku sa i por mas ku henter RvM i tur SG huntu konta i Staten tambe. Anto ta manera pa malu ta laganan sinta ta dal nan koffie. Positivo rumannan, Korsou tin speransa. Nation building.

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Yvette van der Biezen-Lourens, Oswald Dalnoot, Lloyd Philbert and 21 others like this.

André Curiel Miguel Goede, the love i feel for Curacao, makes it very hard, but i have to admit; you are right!!!

Korsou Tin speransa is getting too close to Korsou Sin speransa!!

June 3 at 7:59pm • Like • 1

Miguel Goede André Curiel ami ku abo ta trata di ta sinsero ku otro.

June 3 at 8:02pm • Like

Jose Isebia Mester Reforma asunto anto !! Joke paso Reforma ta just palabra sin nificashon !!

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June 3 at 8:23pm • Unlike • 1

André Curiel Mal joke Jose!!

Muchu hende ku ta bira kontentu i hisa e kos for di tera, sin sigui lesa!!

June 3 at 8:32pm • Like

Ronald Rouse I told you a long time ago Mara bo Fahd

June 3 at 8:34pm • Like

Miguel Goede E kos mas pret ta, ku mi ta warda un hende bin aden bisa ami ku ta koi kens mi ta papia.

June 3 at 8:40pm • Like • 1

Chung Moi Pow Kiko meneer ta pensa di: "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."---Edmund Burke. Den é geval aki nos ta papia di "educated men" instead di "good men".

June 3 at 8:46pm • Unlike • 2

Norwin C Willem Bo no a papia kos di kens, pero e demokrasia den un pueblo ku nan a kita su identidat, lo no funshoba optimal manera bo ta desea. Ta e medin sistema di ensenjansa ta sigui fortifika loje bo a trese dilanti Miguel Goede

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June 3 at 8:48pm • Like

André Curiel Un di e problemanan basiko den e asuntu aki ta; ku partidonan den koalishon no ta duna nan mes e espacio pa komenta ni kritika kualkier eskoho di kandidato pa bira minister pa un partner di di koalishon.

June 3 at 8:49pm • Like

Chung Moi Pow And this: "Every country has the government it deserves"---Joseph de Maistre

June 3 at 8:49pm • Like

Miguel Goede Kiko e tin di haber ku identidat?

June 3 at 8:53pm • Like • 1

André Curiel Chung Moi Pow, there are a lot of ignorant people around, but do you really think our country deserves this??

June 3 at 8:56pm • Like

Norwin C Willem Un pueblo ku no konose su nes, no sa su potenshaknan I ta bruha appel ku pera, pot ehempel e no ta sinja distingui un representante di pueblo ku no mester ta un profeshonal I un ehekutivo ku si mester ta un profeshonal. Fakta di identidat ta strobe di rekonose su lidernan di norma I balornan haltu, E ta krea e mentsludat di buska e lider ku ta satisfase su ambishonnan personal. E ta oasa diariamente serka nos Miguel Goede

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June 3 at 9:07pm • Like

Miguel Goede Sigun ami e tin di haber di sinja pensa.

June 3 at 9:13pm • Like

Norwin C Willem Apsolutamente berdat...Pero si bo pensamentu ta influensha pa I mara na konseptonan di un konsenshi historiko kuktural trose ku manera a bati siglo tras di siglo ku NAN NO TA NADA, NAN NO TIN NADA I NAN NO POR NADA,hende tin e abilidat pa adapta su mes na su destino pa e sobrebibi.

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June 3 at 9:18pm • Edited • Like

Miguel Goede E kos no ta dje komplika. Ora bo hunga beisbol bo ta pone bo miho hungadonan. Ora bo ta manheha bo ta pone bo miho hendenan. NY ta pone un Hapones si tin mester.

June 3 at 9:22pm • Like

Jopie Abraham Diploma i titulo no nesesariamente ta nifika "miho" ! Inteligensia no ta limitá na nivel eskolar !

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June 3 at 9:45pm • Like • 1

Miguel Goede Rijbewijs no ta hasi bo driver. By the way, bo ta bai un dokter ku bul of un sin bul?

June 3 at 9:47pm • Like

Chung Moi Pow Andre Curiel, I don't think we deserve this, but since nobody is doing anything about it, or at least not enough, I cannot but conclude.

June 3 at 9:56pm • Unlike • 1

Jopie Abraham Depende, dokter den kiko... Esnan di Oropa spesialisá ku ta traha aki na Bonaire, ora nan mes no por sal'e fo, ta manda bo esnan na Colombia pa yudansa, mientras ku nan mes ta kosidera nan inapto i nan "bul" invalido pa traha na Bonaire mes.

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June 3 at 10:00pm • Like

Jopie Abraham

June 3 at 10:09pm • Like • 1

Miguel Goede That is not the issue. Prison ta yen hende ku iq masha altu sin edukashon. Verder tin yen hende ku papel ku ta un berguensa pa nan profeshon. Mi konose sigur un RA. Punto ta kede ku un pais ku ke gana i bai dilanti mester ta en esenshia un meritokrashia, kaminda bo ta yega riba bo kredenshialnan i meritonan i no paso bo tin net werk anto bo no por nada. I Bill Gates i Steve Jobs nan ta e ekepshon ku despues ta bin bek den en sistema meritokratiko. Jopie Abraham.

June 3 at 10:15pm • Like

Jopie Abraham “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” ~ Nelson Mandela~

“Intelligence plus character-that is the goal of true education.”

~Martin Luther King Jr.~

June 3 at 10:20pm • Like

Miguel Goede Nos ta riba mesun page.

June 3 at 10:22pm • Like

Joyce Pieters-kwiers Miguel, e pueblo semper ta hanja e gobierno ku e ta merece!

June 4 at 1:38am • Unlike • 2

Rudsel Victorina Mi ta korda bon kla kon anja pasa mi a deskuti e asuntu di edukashon i intelligensiaaki ku Stanley Brown , juan Parisius i diferemte hende mas aki riba FB. Mi a sinti mi mes komo un lone ranger dor ku mi a hanja un ejercito kontra di mi ku tabata pretende ku inrelligencia i edukashon ta mará na otro. Mi ta konteltu di lesa ku hendenan kui ta respeta ta pensa meskos ku mi.

June 4 at 1:54am • Edited • Unlike • 1

Gerald Chirino Ora vota pa ghetto mentality Bo mester verwacht ghetto results

June 4 at 2:28am • Unlike • 1

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