The population size in 2011 was 150,563. Employed population 62,042. The unemployed are 6,721 (9,85). Registered domestic entities 22,546. Registered international entities15,916. 95% of the companies are small and medium size companies. They employ about 25% of the population.
The income distribution is not good. 39% of the people earn less then Naf. 1.000 per month and only 6% of the people earn more than a. 5.000 per month.
The smallest sector is agriculture. Everything is imported . The island depends on export to generate foreign currency. The balance of payment is an ongoing concern.
The island is dependant upon tourism, although refinery and financial services play an important role. The refinery is 2.0 and should be left behind/ The OFC is 3.0 and should be reinvented. Tourism should be based on experience economy principles. Curacao should focus on the ICT sector pushed by the Ctex project. And on other knowledge and creativity based projects.