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Governance of Climate Change worries Caribbean SIDS


The governance of adaptation and mitigate the consequences of climate change, worries the Caribbean SIDS.  The governance structure is called a failure, especially Commission on Sustainable Development.  There is not enough regional coordination.  There is not enough political buy in. There is concern about preferment status of SIDS will be lost. There is concern that Green Economy is not a proven concept (UN DESA,2011).

“Current discussion at the international level regarding the future of the Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD) in light of its failure in recent years to reachagreement on its programme of work, was identified as a matter of great concern to Member States, considering in particular that the Commission is the only intergovernmental body mandated to coordinate and monitor the implementation of the BPOA and MSI.  The prevailing view of participants was that further thought should be given to identifying ways to promote enhanced, more effective use of the CSD before considering its possible dissolution.” (CARIBBEAN REGIONAL PREPARATORY MEETING FOR RIO+20, 2011)

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