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Curacao = SIDS

Small Island Developing State (SIDS) share similar characteristics. They are vulnerable because of their small scale and the effects of climate change. Their objective is sustainable development. They are looking for solutions. They can learn and support each other. 23 of the 52 are Caribbean SIDS.


Antigua and Barbuda





British Virgin Island



Dominican Republic






Netherlands Antille

Puerto Rico

Saint Kitts and Nevis

Saint Lucia

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines


Trinidad and Tobago

Unites States Virgin Island

Curaçao has a UNESCO university chair on Caribbean SIDS. The Knowledge Zone of Curaçao has a regional function. In this zone there is cross sectoral innovation taking place. For example the Otrobanda part of the K-Zone is part of the UNESCO World Heritage site. Innovation is taking place in the area of construction and engineering. Knowledge is being created and shared within the region. Best Practices for Caribbean SIDS documented and shared. This is done by teaching classes, publications and conferences.

Other examples are the Caramabi where research is being conducted on the coral reefs. Compared to the reefs in the region, the reefs in Curaçao are relatively healthy.

The annual Curaçao North Sea Jazz Festival innovates the music and tourism sector.

In the Curaçao Airport City construction is going on to launch commercial flight into space.

The SIDS are diverse in size and cultural background. Traditionally there was some prejudice between areas and islands. In some cases there were even competition and rivalry. But over time and thanks to ICT and the process of globalization these island have become closer to each other and are sharing knowledge. One of the very interesting areas of cooperation is the area of capacity building in the area of good governance. All the island try to improve governance.

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